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Strengthen your cybersecurity defenses with a powerful strategy: Defense-in-Depth.

Thumbnail for Strengthen your cybersecurity defenses with a powerful strategy: Defense-in-Depth.

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. In 2022, ransomware attacks jumped by 93%. The introduction of ChatGPT will only increase the potential damage of cyber-attacks. Protecting sensitive data and systems req ...

Posted at 03 August 23

Stay vigilant against zero-click malware! Discover what it is, how it works, and arm yourself with effective strategies to combat this silent digital threat.

Thumbnail for Stay vigilant against zero-click malware! Discover what it is, how it works, and arm yourself with effective strategies to combat this silent digital threat.

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity threats continue to evolve. They pose significant risks to individuals and organizations alike. One such threat gaining prominence is zero-click malware. This insidious form of malware requires no user ...

Posted at 28 July 23

Looking to elevate your design game? Get the scoop on Microsoft Designer and unlock a world of creative possibilities.

Thumbnail for Looking to elevate your design game? Get the scoop on Microsoft Designer and unlock a world of creative possibilities.

As technology continues to advance, so does the landscape of design tools. Microsoft has been a company at the forefront of business apps. Microsoft 365 began with about seven apps. It now offers new users access to over 20. One of the newest ones ...

Posted at 21 July 23

Access management is no longer just an option—it's a critical part of cybersecurity.

Thumbnail for Access management is no longer just an option—it's a critical part of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity has become paramount for businesses and individuals alike. Cyber threats abound, and data breaches and malware attacks are costly. Attacks come from all vectors, including the cloud tools you use every day. The average employee uses ...

Posted at 14 July 23

Have you heard about Virtual Appointments in Microsoft Teams?

Thumbnail for Have you heard about Virtual Appointments in Microsoft Teams?

Scheduling appointments is a common activity. Salespeople often set up virtual appointments to answer questions about a product. Software companies allow people to schedule live demos. Telehealth therapists allow clients to book vide ...

Posted at 16 June 23

From robotic pets to virtual board games, this year’s Consumer Electronics Show showcased some amazing stuff.

Thumbnail for From robotic pets to virtual board games, this year’s Consumer Electronics Show showcased some amazing stuff.

At the beginning of each year, a group of global innovators meets. They introduce and show off breakthrough technologies. It’s done at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is typically held each January in the U.S. ...

Posted at 09 June 23

Many people worry about someone hacking their computer. But not so much their wireless printer.

Thumbnail for Many people worry about someone hacking their computer. But not so much their wireless printer.

Many people worry about someone hacking their computer. But they’re not really thinking about their wireless printer getting breached. It’s a tool that most individuals use sporadically. For example, when you want to prin ...

Posted at 09 June 23

Hackers get around $12 for a stolen Netflix account. Have you been breached?

Thumbnail for Hackers get around $12 for a stolen Netflix account. Have you been breached?

Netflix is one of the most popular and well-known streaming services. It has nearly 231 million subscribers around the world. It has been growing steadily for almost a decade. The platform has become an essential part of many people's daily en ...

Posted at 06 June 23

Are you making it easy enough for prospects and customers to work with you?

Thumbnail for Are you making it easy enough for prospects and customers to work with you?

Customers look for convenience. In today’s world that means technology that makes their life easier. From webforms to POS systems, you need to keep the customer experience in mind in all you do. When people aren’t happy with their expe ...

Posted at 26 May 23

Is your company having a hard time staying on top of data privacy regulation updates?

Thumbnail for Is your company having a hard time staying on top of data privacy regulation updates?

Once data began going digital, authorities realized a need to protect it. Thus, the creation of data privacy rules and regulations to address cyber threats. Many organizations have one or more data privacy policies they need to meet. Those in the ...

Posted at 19 May 23

Approximately 83% of organizations have experienced more than one data breach

Thumbnail for Approximately 83% of organizations have experienced more than one data breach

No business wants to suffer a data breach. But unfortunately, in today’s environment, it’s difficult to completely avoid them. Approximately 83% of organizations have experienced more than one data breach. (IBM Security 2022 Cost of a Dat ...

Posted at 07 March 23

Is your company suffering from a disconnect between goals and actions?

Thumbnail for Is your company suffering from a disconnect between goals and actions?

You often hear the words “digital transformation” and “collaboration.” But what do they actually mean? What do they mean for the day-to-day of running your business? Collaboration can’t happen without shared goals. Wh ...

Posted at 27 January 23

68% of surveyed business leaders feel that cybersecurity risks are getting worse

Thumbnail for 68% of surveyed business leaders feel that cybersecurity risks are getting worse

The new year has just begun and it’s a time of renewal as we plan for the possibilities to come in 2023. It’s also a time when you need to plan for resiliency in the face of ever-present cyberattacks. Sixty-eight pe ...

Posted at 20 January 23

In 2021, cyber insurance premiums rose by a staggering 74%

Thumbnail for In 2021, cyber insurance premiums rose by a staggering 74%

Cybersecurity insurance is still a pretty new concept for many SMBs. It was initially introduced in the 1990s to provide coverage for large enterprises. It covered things like data processing errors and online media. Since that ...

Posted at 13 January 23

The excitement of a new doorbell camera can quickly fade when it gets hacked

Thumbnail for The excitement of a new doorbell camera can quickly fade when it gets hacked

The global home security market has been growing by leaps and bounds. By 2026, experts expect the market to expand at a rate of 20.1%. This is on top of an expected increase of 21.6% from 2021 to 2022. From Ring doorbell cams to entire home securi ...

Posted at 06 January 23

Microsoft estimates that a majority of business users don’t have MFA enabled in their accounts.

Thumbnail for Microsoft estimates that a majority of business users don’t have MFA enabled in their accounts.

One constant struggle in offices is the balance between productivity and security. If you give users too much freedom in your network, risk increases. But add too many security gates, and productivity can dwindle. It’s a fine balance between ...

Posted at 30 December 22

Mobile devices now make up about 60% of the endpoints in a business. But BYOD tends to be all over the place and not run efficiently

Thumbnail for Mobile devices now make up about 60% of the endpoints in a business. But BYOD tends to be all over the place and not run efficiently

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a concept that took hold after the invention of the smartphone. When phones got smarter, software developers began creating apps for those phones. Over time, mobile device use has overtaken desktop use at work. Acco ...

Posted at 22 December 22

82% of organizations have reported saving money after implementing VoIP.

Thumbnail for 82% of organizations have reported saving money after implementing VoIP.

The global pandemic put a big emphasis on the need to run a business from anywhere. Enabling employees to work remotely requires cloud solutions. This includes collaborative platforms like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. VoIP (Voice over Internet ...

Posted at 21 December 22

Buyers Remorse? Come to Us Before You Spend Money on a New Computer.

Thumbnail for Buyers Remorse? Come to Us Before You Spend Money on a New Computer.

Have you ever bought a new computer and then had buyer’s remorse a few months later? Maybe you didn’t pay attention to the storage capacity and ran out of space. Or you may have glossed over memory and experienced constan ...

Posted at 14 December 22

Microsoft Teams’ popularity has been skyrocketing,but getting started can mean a stiff learning curve.

Thumbnail for Microsoft Teams’ popularity has been skyrocketing,but getting started can mean a stiff learning curve.

Microsoft Teams is a lot of things. It’s a video conferencing tool, a team messaging channel, and a tool for in-app co-authoring, just to name a few. During the pandemic, the popularity of Teams skyrocketed. User numbers for MS Teams jumped ...

Posted at 14 December 22